Make Cleveland Better (MCB), launched in 2015, is the annual community outreach campaign sponsored by New Community Bible Fellowship, a 3,000 member, non-denominational, Bible teaching, Christ-centered church located in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. As a church, we believe that life change happens through the power of Jesus Christ. "We want every one of our members to use their time, talents and treasures to serve the cause of Christ through extraordinary acts of kindness and generosity." The objective of this campaign is to provide service and support to Northeast Ohioans who are experiencing hardship and at risk situations by partnering with nonprofit organizations that address these issues well.
Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. - 1 John 3:18
Many Cleveland residents are living in poverty without access to nutritious food, adequate education, healthcare and much more. Current data shows that nearly 1 out of 5 people in Cuyahoga County lives in poverty and 31% of those people are children. 66% of Cleveland residents are functionally illiterate meaning that their math, reading or language skills are below a 4th grade reading level. In Matthew 25:40-45, God calls us to do whatever we would do for Him, for the “least of these.” We are called to serve the lost, hurting and in need and to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20).
In previous years, New Community members have participated in personal care drives, provided financial support and volunteered their time alongside amazing partners from around the city making an impact on the residents of Cleveland. Due to the pandemic, we are limiting potential exposure for both our teams and our partner’s teams. To that end, we will be providing financial support and limited volunteer service support through our Small Group ministries. | When two or three gather in My name, there I am with them.” - Matthew 18:20